
Every MyGet feed provides the option to communicate with external services, such as a web server, whenever a specific action occurs on the feed. These webhooks can be used to perform actions based on such event, for example sending out a tweet when a package is pushed or updating an issue tracker when a build succeeds.

Only feed owners and co-owners can manage webhooks for a feed. Each webhook can be triggered for one or more event types, depending on the implementation. Webhook deliveries can be inspected, including full logs, as well as redelivered in case this is needed.

The following events can be subscribed to:

  • Ping - a communications test sending a simple message to the webhook endpoint
  • Package added - a package has been added to a feed
  • Package deleted - a package has been deleted from a feed
  • Package listed/unlisted - a package has been listed/unlisted
  • Package pinned/unpinned - a package has been pinned/unpinned
  • Package pushed - a package has been pushed to an external feed
  • Build queued - a build has been queued
  • Build started - a build has started
  • Build finished - a build has finished

HTTP Post webhook

The most basic type of webhook implementation is our HTTP Post webhook. It sends raw event data, formatted as a JSON document, as an HTTP POST to a configured URL.

MyGet will make every HTTP request with the following headers:

Header Description
User-AgentWill always have the prefix MyGet Web Hook/
X-MyGet-EventIdentifierA unique identifier for the event, which can be used to correlate diagnostics data and ensure a webhook payload is not handled more than once.

Let's go over some example payloads.

Tip: Webhooks can be tested and debugged using a variety of tools. John Sheehan has an extensive list of them available on his blog.


Here's an example of a ping payload:


Package added

Here's an example of a package added payload. It includes package metadata.

It's important to know the PackageVersion property may not contain a valid version number but instead contains a string specifying the version constraint. It may contain characters like ≥, ≤, >, <, = and so on.

      "Authors":"Maarten Balliauw",
      "Description":"GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.",
      "Tags":"google analytics ga wp8 wp7 windows phone windowsphone api rest client tracker stats statistics mango",
          "PackageVersion":"(>= 2.0.5364.25176)",

Package deleted

Here's an example of a package deleted payload.


Package listed/unlisted

Here's an example of a package listed/unlisted payload. The Action will contain listed or unlisted.


Package pinned/unpinned

Here's an example of a package pinned/unpinned payload. The Action will contain pinned or unpinned.


Package pushed

Here's an example of a package pushed payload. It includes package metadata.

      "Authors":"Maarten Balliauw",
      "Description":"GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.",
      "Tags":"google analytics ga mvc api rest client tracker stats statistics",
          "PackageVersion":"(? 2.0.5364.25176)",
    "TargetPackageSourceName":"Other Feed",

Build queued

Here's an example of a build queued payload.


Build started

Here's an example of a build started payload.


Build finished

Here's an example of a build finished payload. The Result will contain success or failed. It includes the packages that were added to the feed.


Service-specific webhooks

MyGet provides several service-specific webhooks:

  • Email - sends the event as plain text or HTML to e-mail recipients
  • HipChat - sends the event as a notification to a HipChat room
  • Slack - sends the event to a Slack channel
  • Twilio - sends the event as a plain text SMS to a phone
  • Twitter - sends the event as a plain text tweet

Not all event types may be supported by these service-specific webhooks. Some payloads may be optional as well.

Email webhook

The email webhook sends the event as plain text or HTML to e-mail recipients. It requires a few configuration values:

  • Host - the SMTP server hostname
  • Port - the SMTP server port
  • Use TLS? - whether to use TLS or not
  • SMTP Username - SMTP server username
  • SMTP password - SMTP server password
  • From - sender of the message
  • To - recipients of the message (separated by semicolon)
  • Body - whether to send the e-mail containing raw JSON, plain text or HTML

HipChat webhook

The HipChat webhook sends the event as a notification to a HipChat room. The following configuration options must be provided:

  • AuthToken - auth token (Room token or Personal token)
  • Room - room to which to send the notifaction
  • Server - HipChat server URL, defaults to api.hipchat.com
  • Color - background color for the notification (yellow, green, red, purple, gray or random)
  • Color build events based on status - will color the message gray when a build is started, green when a build succeeds and red when a build fails
  • Notify participants - determines if room participants should get a notification for the event or not

Slack webhook

The Slack webhook sends the event as a notification to a Slack channel. The following configuration options must be provided:

Microsoft Teams webhook

The Microsoft Teams/Office 365 Groups webhook sends the event as a notification to a Microsoft Teams channel or Office 365 Group. The following configuration options must be provided:


The Twilio webhook sends the event as a plain text SMS to a phone. The following configuration options must be provided:

  • AccountSid - the Twilio account SID
  • AuthenticationToken - the Twilio account authentication token
  • From - the number sending the message (must be a Twilio number enabled for SMS)
  • To - the number to which the message will be sent


The Twitter webhook sends the event as a plain text tweet using OAuth credentials.

Before using this webhook, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Create a Twitter application. For the website, please use a URL of your own.
  2. Modify the application permissions to read & write
  3. Copy the API key and API secret and configure the MyGet webhook with it
  4. Create an access token and configure the MyGet webhook with it

The following configuration options must be provided:

  • OAuth consumer key - the OAuth consumer key (API key) obtained from dev.twitter.com
  • OAuth consumer secret - the OAuth consumer secret (API secret) obtained from dev.twitter.com
  • OAuth token - the OAuth token obtained from dev.twitter.com
  • OAuth token secret - the OAuth token secret obtained from dev.twitter.com
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