MyGet 2014.1 Release Notes
MyGet 2014.1 was released on February 27, 2014.
- Updated documentation website
- Support for NuGet 2.8
- Username is now added to password reset e-mails
- Packages mirrored from proxied package sources can be unlisted in the resulting feed
- Support for multiple API keys
- Visibility into which package source serves a specific package
- Packages can be owned by more than one MyGet user
- Automatic updates of upstream packages
- Labeling sources when pushing upstream
- RSS feed of activity on your MyGet feed
MyGet Enterprise
- Enhancements to MyGet Gallery for Enterprise subscriptions
- Organization specific feeds are now visible to all users that are logged in
MyGet Build Services
- Support for NuGet 2.8
- Support for MSBuild 2013
- Configure which project(s) should be built
- Configure which packages are pushed to your feed after build
- Configure build targets
- Specify default package source and default push source
- Configure API keys for package sources as well
- Current feed is added as a package source
- Build hooks only trigger build when branch matches
- Support for git submodules that require authentication
- GitHub Commit Status API integration
- Labeling sources after build
- Build status badges
Bug Fixes
- Packages downloaded through the browser now have a .nupkg file extension
- NuGet Package Explorer 2.8 publishing works again
- Package restore with proxied feeds now works on feeds larger than 100 packages
- Load time of activity feeds has been improved
- Push upstream now works with private feeds
Next to all these, we have done a tremendous effort on our back-end: upgrade to the latest Windows Azure SDK and switch to JSON-based traffic to our storage accounts, a new queuing framework which increases back-end messaging throughput, ...
Happy packaging!
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